Sunday, February 12, 2012

A little taste of Korea: Jjim Dak

It's been 5 months since I lived in Korea and I have to admit that I miss the food. I miss shabu shabu, I miss issac toast, I miss dak bokee and I miss jjim dak. Since I only know how to make jjim dak, I recreated one of my favourite Korean meals. This dish has so many flavours. The big chunks of chicken, potatoes, carrots and onions are cooked in a spicy and sweet broth. I swear you have never tasted an Asian dish quite like this. It's really different, really good and really easy to make! I have to give a shout out to Sekyung An, my Korean cooking teacher, who taught me how to make this dish. If you are ever in Korea and want to take cooking classes, she's amazing and a really talented cook... Sekyung An's Blog

Ahn-Dong Jjim Dak 
A recipe from the south of Seoul

Boneless chicken breasts or thighs
2 Potatoes
2 Carrots
1 Large Onion
3-7 Dried Chili Peppers (depending on how spicy you like it)
1 T minced garlic
2 teas. sesame seed oil
60 g. sweet potato noodles or glass noodles
10-15 rice cake (optional)
black pepper
2 Tbl white sugar
1 tbl brown sugar
7 tbl soy sauce
1 tbl corn syrup
2 tbl mirim
1-2 tbl oyster sauce
300 mL water

- Put the noodles and rice cake in hot water to soak for 30 minutes.
- Let the chicken soak in milk for 30 minutes and wash well (I skip this step)
- Peel and cut the carrot, potatoes and onions in large chunks.
- Make the sauce (mix all ingredients except water).
- In a wok, add 1 T of oil, chopped up dried chilis and saute chicken.
- Add minced garlic and black pepper.
- Add the vegetables and saute for a couple of minutes and add sauce (no water yet)
- After simmering about 3 minutes, add water.
- Let it come to a boil and lower (to medium) and cover to cook for about 20 minute.
- Add rice cakes (you are supposed to add the noodles as well BUT I find the noodles soak up all the broth)
- Put on plate and garnish with sesame seed oil.
- Put noodles in everyone's individual bowl and serve the jjim dak on top... make sure to laddle on that delicious broth!

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