Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Red Velvet Soup

First and foremost, I have to give all the credit to my nanny who has made this soup for me for as long as I can remember. It is my favourite soup. It's healthy and really delicious! When you taste it, you aren't quite sure what it is. The flavours blend together so well that the individual components don't jump out at you. The soup is savory with a little bit of sweetness. It's made with red lentils, carrots, onions and beets. If you aren't into beets, don't worry, it's not beety! Their aren't many and they're only there for the color and a little sweetness. Trust me, this soup is really tasty, healthy (water-based) and great for a cold winter day!

Red Velvet Soup

1 cup red lentils (dry)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 large onion
2 medium carrots
2 beets
5-6 cups water (or stock but you don't need it)
salt (or Jane's salt if you have)

- Stab beets with a fork a few times, put them in a bowl in a bit of water and microwave for 5 minutes covered with a paper towel. Let them cool for 10-15 minutes before you peel/cut off the skin (do not use a wood cutting board, they stain!!)
- Wash and drain lentils.
- Heat oil and saute onions for around 10 minutes.
- Cut carrots and beets into chucks.
- Put everything (onions, lentil, carrots and beets) into the water and bring to a boil.
- Simmer for 1 hour (covered)
- Pure soup after cooled

1 comment:

  1. I can testify to this GREAT soup!! I made it a few weeks ago for a Shabbat dinner, and all my guests (AND ME) loved it!!!
    And the awesomely red color of the soup was well... awesome! lol
